Constitution of the Council of Graduate Students of Missouri University of Science and Technology

Section 1 – NAME

The name of the organization shall be "The Council of Graduate Students of the Missouri University of Science and Technology" which shall hereafter be referred to as "Council of Graduate Students."


Section 2 – INSIGNIA

The official insignia of the organization shall be letters 'CGS' in the center with a hammer above and a sickle below the letters, enclosed by a circle and surrounded with the name of the University, and Council of Graduate Students, then surrounded by another circle.


 Figure 1: Insignia of Council of Graduate Students

Section 1 – PURPOSE

  1. The purpose of the Council of Graduate Students shall be to:
    1. Represent the interests of the graduate student body in student, University, and governmental affairs.
    2. Provide services that improve the quality of life of Missouri S&T graduate students.
    3. Keep the graduate student body informed of relevant
    4. Oversee and regulate student activities and funds in the interests of the graduate student body.
    5. Maintain a positive relationship between the graduate student body, campus administration, and the local community.
    6. Serve as the chief representative body of graduate students at Missouri S&T.

Section 1 – DUTIES

  1. It shall be the duty of the Council of Graduate Students to keep the graduate student body informed on topics of particular interest to the graduate students.



  1. Council of Graduate Students shall funds and other resources available for student use or provided by the student
  2. Council of Graduate Students shall have access to all records pertaining to these resources



  1. The Missouri S&T Council of Graduate Students will not discriminate against any student for reason, including but not limited to:
    1. Race
    2. Color
    3. Religion
    4. Sex
    5. Sexual orientation
    6. National origin
    7. Age
    8. Disability
    9. Socioeconomic status
    10. Status as a veteran
  2. This policy shall not be interpreted in such a manner as to violate the legal rights of religious organizations or military organizations associated with the Armed Forces of the United States of America.


  1. Any enrolled graduate student of Missouri S&T is eligible to be a member of the Council of Graduate Students.


  1. The classes of membership shall be comprised of: Associate Members, Departmental Representative, and Associate Organization Representative.
  2. A member may fall into multiple classes of membership but shall be limited to a single vote.


  1. Any student may apply to be an associate member of the Council of Graduate Students.
  2. The Council of Graduate Students Recorder shall handle all applications for Associate Membership.
  3. All eligible members of the Executive Committee shall be considered Associate Members.
  4. Associate members shall not have the right to vote during any general or special Council of Graduate Students meetings unless granted the right to vote by another class of membership.


  1. All academic departments which grant degrees beyond bachelors will be allowed to have up to two Departmental Representatives who may apply via the Council of Graduate Students.
  2. A Departmental Representative must meet both Council of Graduate Students and their academic department’s eligibility requirements.
  3. Departmental Representatives shall have the right to vote during all general and special Council of Graduate Students meetings. 


  1. Recognized Student Organizations considered governing or coordinating bodies may elect to send a representative to the Council of Graduate Students.
  2. A list of eligible Recognized Student Organizations shall be maintained by the Recorder.
  3. Associate Organization Members shall be given an opportunity to present a report of their organization’s activities at all Council of Graduate Students meetings.
  4. Associate Organizations shall be excused from the duties found in Article V, Section 8.1.b.
  5. Only Associate Organization Representatives who have been granted the right to vote by another class of membership shall have the right to vote during any general or special Council of Graduate Students meetings. 


  1. Upon becoming a member of the Council of Graduate Students, each member shall:
    1. Attend regular Council of Graduate Students meetings unless excused by the President or Recorder; a representative may have no more than three (3) unexcused absences during an academic year,
    2. Be active on and attend the meetings of at least one Council of Graduate Students committee unless otherwise excused by the committee chair or the Recorder; a representative may have no more than one (1) unexcused committee meeting absences during a semester,
    3. Voice the opinions of his/her constituents during Council of Graduate Students discussions and vote accordingly if eligible,
    4. Inform constituents of the results of these votes,
    5. Regularly report to inform constituents of issues and proceedings of Council of Graduate Students, campus-wide activities, referendums, and other issues affecting the student body, and
    6. Assume any additional duties that the executive committee, the By-Laws, or Council of Graduate Students may assign. 


  1. All members shall continue to serve on the Council of Graduate Students until they resign, are expelled by the Council of Graduate Students, are replaced by their department, or terminate their enrollment at Missouri S&T.
  2. The provisions to expel members who do not fulfill their duties shall be defined in the By-Laws. 

Section 8 – PROXIES

  1. Associate Members, Departmental Representatives, and Associate Organization Representatives who have been excused from attending a Regular or Special Council of Graduate Students meeting may elect to send a proxy.
  2. The proxy must meet the same eligibility requirements as the original member.
  3. The Associate Members, Departmental Representatives, and Associate Organization Representatives shall notify the Council of Graduate Students Recorder twenty-four (24) hours prior to the Council of Graduate Students meeting the proxy will attend.
  4. If the proxy already has voting rights at Regular or Special Council of Graduate Students meetings, they do not gain an additional vote.

Section 1 – OFFICERS

  1. The Officers of the Council of Graduate Students shall consist of a President, Vice President, Director of Administration, Director of Communication, Director of Finance and Secretary. 


  1. The Officers of Council of Graduate Students shall be elected by a majority of a graduate student body referendum.
  2. Campaign rules and election procedures of the Officers of the Council of Graduate Students shall be determined in the By-Laws.
  3. No more than two officers may be from any one academic department. 


  1. The terms of the new officers shall begin at the conclusion of the spring semester.
  2. Between their election and their taking office, the new officers will shadow the existing officers so as to better transition into their positions.
  3. An officer may not hold the same officer position for more than two terms. 


  1. Any officer who does not fulfill the duties described in Section 7 of this article shall be subject to a vote of removal. Any officer may be voted upon for removal if they fail to conduct themselves in a professional manner, fail to positively represent Council of Graduate Students or Missouri S&T, or break any state or federal laws.
  2. Any member may start the removal process by speaking to the Advisor or President. The Advisor or President will decide if the officer should be voted upon for expulsion.
  3. The officer in question will have the right to due process. They will be notified of the charges brought against them, at least ten days before the vote for removal will take place. The officer will be given an opportunity to speak to the general membership in their defense and may have two witnesses speak on their behalf. Officers who have successfully been removed may request an appeal if new evidence has been acquired that was not available at the time of voting for removal or if the officer’s right to due process was violated.
  4. Once an officer is removed, they may not be reinstated.
  5. In order to remove an officer, a vote of three-fourths (3/4) majority of Council of Graduate Students representatives must vote in favor of the removal. The vote must be taken at a regular Council of Graduate Students meeting. 


  1. In the event that the President vacates his or her elected office, the Vice President shall assume the duties of the President for the remainder of the term.
  2. In the event that any other officer vacates his/her office, the President shall appoint a student to temporarily assume the duties of that office.
  3. At the next general Council of Graduate Students meeting, nominations and elections shall be held for the vacant office.
  4. In the event that more than one officer vacates his or her elected office, the order of presidential succession shall be the order in which the officers are listed in Section 1 of this article. 


  1. The officers shall not vote at Council of Graduate Students meetings, except that the chair may vote when the vote would change the result.
  2. The order of succession with respect to the chairing of a Council of Graduate Students meeting is the order in which the officers are listed in Section 1 of this article. 


  1. The President shall be responsible for all actions of the Council of Graduate Students and shall:
    1. Hold full executive authority in Council of Graduate Students subject to the executive committee,
    2. Act as chair at meetings of the Council of Graduate Students,
    3. Represent the student body in all intercampus and extra campus capacities as the Student Body President,
    4. Report to the Council of Graduate Students regarding external issues,
    5. Work in conjunction with the Treasurer and members of the executive committee to prepare the Council of Graduate Students’s budget,
    6. Have Authority to authorize and sign for expenditures within the Council of Graduate Students budget,
    7. See that the Constitution and By-Laws of Council of Graduate Students are followed,
    8. See that the other officers fulfill their responsibilities,
    9. See that Council of Graduate Students as a whole accomplishes its goals and fulfills its responsibilities and purposes,
    10. Coordinate regular meetings with the Office of the Chancellor and CGS Officers,
    11. Call special meetings of Council of Graduate Students,
    12. Appoint ad-hoc committees and executive assistants as defined in the By-Laws, and
    13. Assume any additional responsibilities that the By-Laws or Council of Graduate Students may demand.
  2. The Vice President shall be responsible for all issues and affairs not related to the internal workings of the Council of Graduate Students and shall:
    1. Act as chair in the absence of or at the request of the Student Body President,
    2. Be prepared to assume the duties of the Student Body President at any time,
    3. See that the student body is represented and informed in campus decisions and affairs,
    4. Report to the Council of Graduate Students on campus issues,
    5. Appoint students to University committees,
    6. Be responsible for the publicity of issues and events outside of Council of Graduate Students pertaining to Council of Graduate Students or the student body of Missouri S&T,
    7. Coordinate with the Vice President of Internal Affairs and chairs the distribution of student issues among the committees,
    8. Maintain channels for students to express opinions,
    9. Coordinate, oversee, and recommend changes in the work of all external Student Council committees, and 
    10. Assume any additional responsibilities that the Student Body President, By-Laws, or Council of Graduate Students may demand.
  3. The Director of Administration shall be responsible for all issues and affairs related to the internal workings of the Council of Graduate Students and shall:
    1. Coordinate, oversee, and recommend changes in the work of all Council of Graduate Students committees,
    2. See that all eligible members are assigned to at least one Council of Graduate Students committee unless excused by the executive committee,
    3. See that the Constitution and By-Laws of Council of Graduate Students are followed,
    4. Serve as parliamentarian at Council of Graduate Students meetings,
    5. Be responsible for public relations and informing students of all projects and events within Council of Graduate Students,
    6. Coordinate all recruiting of Council of Graduate Students members at the start of each semester,
    7. Chair and call meetings of the executive committee, and
    8. Assume any additional responsibilities that the Student Body President, By-Laws, or Council of Graduate Students may demand.
  4. The Director of Finance shall be responsible for overseeing all funding related to the Council of Graduate Students and shall:
    1. See that all expenditures of Council of Graduate Students funds, including expenditures of Council of Graduate Students funds that have been appropriated to other organizations, are in accordance with University and Council of Graduate Students policy and do not conflict with any budgets approved by the Council of Graduate Students,
    2. Serve as a liaison with all boards, committees, and other decision making groups that appropriate or recommend the appropriation of Student Activity Fee revenue,
    3.  See that all financial transactions of Council of Graduate Students are executed in a timely fashion,
    4. Use his or her signature to represent Council of Graduate Students on all financial documents affecting Council of Graduate Students funds,
    5. See that Council of Graduate Students members and Council of Graduate Students committee members understand the University accounting system and financial policies well enough to be able to properly carry out their responsibilities,
    6. Report regularly to the Student Body President and to Council of Graduate Students transactions involving Council of Graduate Students funds which have taken place since the previous report,
    7. Recommend for Council of Graduate Students approval any changes in the Council's approved budget or in the budget of any organization provided with Council of Graduate Students funds,
    8.  Provide Council of Graduate Students honor cords and stoles to all eligible members as described in the By-Laws,
    9.  Provide Council of Graduate Students recognition pins to all eligible members as described in the By-Laws, and
    10. Assume any additional responsibilities that the By-Laws or the Council of Graduate Students may demand.
  5. The Director of Communications shall be responsible for managing and directing the organizations internal and external communications:
    1. Promote the Council of Grad Students and Missouri S&T graduate student activities,
    2. Serve as spokesperson and media contact for the organization at the direction of the President,
    3. Attend Student Council Meetings as representative of the Council of Graduate Students, sharing updates between CGS and STUCO,
    4. Create, launch, and support digital and print media,
    5. Responsible for the content of website and Facebook page to ensure quality and control of information released,
    6. Responsible for email announcements and communications with graduate students via engaging and individual departments,
    7. Photograph and document events for website and Facebook content,
    8. Recruit graduate student members and encourage all Missouri S&T students to seek representation.
  6. The Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining all Council of Graduate Students records and shall:
    1. Record the minutes of all meetings of Council of Graduate Students,
    2. See that copies of the current Constitution and By-Laws are available to Student Council members,
    3. Maintain a file of actions and resolutions approved by the Council of Graduate Students,
    4. Maintain attendance records,
    5. Maintain the Council of Graduate Students roster of members,
    6. Inform the executive committee when a member has failed to fulfill his or her duties.

Section 8. ADVISORS

  1. There shall be up to two faculty or staff Advisors elected by the Council of Graduate Students.
  2. Advisors shall have the right to attend all meetings of the Council of Graduate Students and of the executive committee but shall not vote.
  3. Advisors shall have the right to speak at Council Meetings.
  4. Advisors shall be elected by a simple majority during a regular Council of Graduate Students meeting
  5. Advisors shall serve four-year terms.


  1. There shall be an executive committee of the Council of Graduate Students. The membership of this committee will be officers defined in Article VI, Section 1.
  2. The chair of this committee shall be the President.
  3. The executive committee shall meet prior to all regularly scheduled Council of Graduate Students meetings. 


  1. The standing committees of the Council of Graduate Students shall be established with a two-thirds vote of eligible members as needed.
  2. Chairs of standing committees are appointed by the officers.
  3. The Council of Graduate Students President shall have the ability to establish ad-hoc committees and appoint the chair as deemed necessary. 


  1. All Council of Graduate Students members shall have the right to sit in on any committee meeting.
  2. A Council of Graduate Students member attending a committee of which they are not a member shall not have the right to speak unless granted permission by the committee chair.
  3. They shall not have the right to vote.


Section 1 – Duties

  1. Meet with academic department chairs monthly and with other students within the department as necessary.
  2. Attend all Council of Graduate Student Meetings.
  3. Keep informed and advocate for the needs of students within their department.



  1. Council of Graduate Students shall hold regular meetings twice a month as prescribed by the calendar of meetings, providing an officer is present to serve as chair.



  1. Special meetings may be called by the Student Body President at any time and the Student Body President must call a meeting at the written request of twenty percent (20%) or more of the voting Council of Graduate Students members.
  2. Council of Graduate Students members must be notified of the topic, place, and time of a special meeting at least three (3) days before the meeting.
  3. An agenda must be provided to Council of Graduate Students members twenty- four (24) hours prior to the meeting.
  4. Only those items contained on this agenda shall be discussed or acted upon at the meeting.


Section 3 – QUORUM

  1. A quorum for the transaction of business shall consist of a majority of the total number of the voting members.



  1. Unless conflicting with this Constitution or the Council of Graduate Students By-Laws, the latest edition of Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall be used to govern the proceeding of Council of Graduate Students meetings.






1. Council of Graduate Students will follow all federal and state laws and abide by the rules of the University.


Section 2 – CONDUCT

1. Council of Graduate Students will uphold the University of Missouri System’s Standard of Conduct and the Missouri S&T Honor Code.




  1. Proposed amendments submitted to Council of Graduate Students shall require a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of Council of Graduate Students members or a petition of at least ten percent (10%) of the student body to be considered for approval.
  2. A petition must state the exact amendment along with the signatures.



  1. The text of a proposed amendment approved by the Council of Graduate Students shall then distributed to the graduate body via e-mail or another suitable avenue that will reach each student.



  1. Constitutional amendments may be passed by one of two methods.
    1. They may be submitted to a student body referendum, which will take place during the week of September 15, the week before Thanksgiving Break, or the election of the Council of Graduate Students President. A two-thirds (2/3) majority of the student body voting during such a referendum is required for passage.
    2. In the event that an amendment needs to be approved prior to a student body referendum, it may be put before the vote of the Council of Graduate Students, which will require a unanimous decision of votes cast for passage.



  1. Amendments to this constitution must be approved by the Office of the Vice-Chancellor of Student Affairs designee, the Office of Student Involvement
  2. Student Involvement will be notified of any amendments and provided with a copy of the changes made.





  1. Council of Graduate Students shall adopt By-Laws as necessary to fulfill the responsibilities and goals of the Council of Graduate Students.



  1. Amendments to the By-Laws must be submitted in written form and may be submitted only by a member of the Council of Graduate Students. 2. A majority of votes cast at a regular meeting is required to amend the By-Laws.



  1. This Constitution shall become effective immediately upon approval by the student body in a special referendum with a majority of those voting constituting approval.



  1. Upon ratification, this Constitution shall supersede any other Constitution previously in effect.

Academic year: A time period beginning with the first day of class of a fall semester and ending with the last day of finals week of the immediately succeeding spring semester.

Full semester: The period from the first Council of Graduate Students meeting to the last Council of Graduate Students meeting in the semester.

Off-campus student: Any student not living in University-approved housing.

General Council of Graduate Students meeting: All meetings are established by the Recorder's calendar. Student body: A group consisting of all persons currently enrolled in classes for Missouri S&T credit at Missouri S&T or recognized by the Missouri S&T Registrar's Office as actively pursuing a degree at Missouri S&T.

Student Activity Fees: The per semester student fees that the University designates as Student Activity Fees.

Council of Graduate Students funds: Money that is deposited into the Council of Graduate Students' University account.

Referendum: A special secret ballot vote. University-approved housing: Any residential unit defined by the Department of Student Life as University-approved housing.

Missouri S&T: Missouri University of Science and Technology.

Updated January 06, 2022

Downloadable version of  - Council of Graduate Students Constitution